Sunday, 29 November 2009

Mum is Happy

Just a little note today, to say my Mum is very pleased with me today. I haven't eaten on my own now since last Sunday night, before I had my last operation. Despite all this, I have gained weight and now I weigh more than before my last two Dental surgerys - So I am the chunkiest that I have been in a long time.

She says she is pleased with my progress - especially as I really don't like having to be syringe fed at all - I'd rather feed myself, but eating hurts me so much that no matter what I try, I just can't do it. Even one of my favourite treats, Mini Shredded Wheat is beyond my skills just now - I seem to be able to make it a bit soggy, but I can't bite it into smaller bits at the moment.

Mum is not very impressed with my Vet right now and tomorrow she is going to see if she can book me an appointment with the local Chinchilla specialist. It will not be cheap and we will have to travel a little further, but Mum hopes with the right help, I will start eating for myself once more.

Mum says it's time for my evening feed now so she can get some sleep in a bit. Tomorrow I hope to give you all a more educational post on my condition.

TTFN, Stitch x

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